

Transact eMarket Guidelines

eMarket是一个交易模块,允许部门通过在线商店和结帐来收取批准的服务和费用. 顾客可以从一个百货网站链接到一个定制的店面,在那里他们可以通过信用卡选择和支付商品. 该站点符合PCI标准,资金自动存入总账.


  • eMarket Storefront: eMarket Storefront解决方案是一个用户友好的文本模板, 下拉, 对于没有店面但愿意接受付款的校园部门,可以使用单选按钮选项.
  • eMarket Checkout: eMarket Checkout解决方案与现有的没有购物车/支付页面功能的部门网站接口.

Quick Glance/What do I need to know

  • Product/Allowable Services to display on eMarket Site
  • 实施新eMarket和对现有eMarket进行更改的时间表
  • Cost to my department
  • Department responsibilities
  • 限制,如图像大小,文本格式和数据收集
  • eMarkets are not a point-of-sale (POS) system

Products/Services Permitted


  • Conferences (Conference must not be zero cost)
  • Membership fees
  • Event or workshop tickets
  • Applications/deposits
  • 赞助
  • Periodical subscriptions
  • 商品部将负责销售税的申报.)

Products/Services Not Permitted

Storefront and checkouts are not intended for:

  • Payments for student tuition and fees
  • 任何学分课程的学费或课程用品
  • Replacement for or in lieu of a point-of-sale system.
  • To enter into contracts, sign releases, or sign consents. 法律文件必须与emmarket交易分开审批和维护
  • 捐款. 接受捐赠应与newbb电子平台基金会协调.
    • 学生组织基金不被美国国税局视为慈善实体. 我们无法处理慈善捐款(包括网上捐款)到学生组织帐户.
  • Zero-cost events or registrations. OIT提供 Qualtrics. 财务司司长办公室不能就此解决方案提供指导或培训. Refer to the link provided for more information.
  • 收集newbb电子平台其他院系的p卡付款. 使用 internal billing authorization to reduce University cost and ensure accurate accounting.
  • 在注册价格中包含酒精或将酒精作为赛事奖品的赛事(1).e. win your weight in beer)
  • Raffles/fundraising


emmarket网站的开发和更改将不会在每学期的前两周进行. 如果需要在学期开始时启用新网站或对现有网站进行更改,请提前计划.

eMarket Storefront:

  • 新店面. The creation a new eMarket site is a time-consuming process. New eMarket requests may require 15-30 days to build and implement,这取决于项目的复杂性和当前对其他网络支付处理网站的需求. Plan accordingly and submit your request in a timely fashion.
  • 现有店面:对现有eMarkets的更改可能需要7-14天的执行时间.

eMarket Checkout:

  • 新的结帐:emmarket结帐网站可能需要额外设置超过15-30天. 需要在结帐站点和您的部门站点/供应商解决方案之间进行测试,以确保付款能够正确处理. Testing can increase the timeline to implement.
  • 现有结帐:对现有结帐网站的更改可能需要7-14天, as additional testing may be required. The timeline depends on the complexity of the change.

Departmental Cost

各部门将负责与接受信用卡支付相关的商户服务费. At the time of this writing, merchant service fees average 2.1 - 2.5% of the total transaction amount processed in the eMarket. 财务司办公室编制的每月日记账分录将费用记入你的部门账户.


Department Responsibilities

  • Fully complete the eMarket request form[DOC].
    • 不完整的表格将被退回,并将延误电子市场的实施
    • 电子邮件(cashier@俄亥俄州.edu)或致电(740)593-4130查询
  • Understand timeline constraints
    • As previously mentioned, this is a time-consuming process. 制作一个新的emmarket不可能也不会在几天内完成. Plan accordingly.
  • Provide compatible image sizes and formats
    • The Office of the 财务主管 will not reformat images. 如果您希望我们使用您部门现有网站上的图像, you need to provide that image, formatted as specified in the next section.
  • Credit card chargebacks
    • 有争议的信用卡交易最终会导致退款. If a chargeback on one of your eMarket transactions occurs, 财务司司长办公室将与您联系以获取更多信息. 您将需要提供支持文件的销售,以捍卫信用卡交易. 如果没有解决, 这笔交易将从本部门的总账中扣除.
  • Review of eMarket site for final sign off prior to go-live
    • Departments must authorize the final eMarket look, lay out and design before the site will be made live.
  • Reporting and reconciliation
    • 该部门最终负责审查任何emmarket报告,以确保与emmarket相关的部门总账账户的准确性和对账性.
  • Sales tax reporting
    • 该部门负责向大学税务经理报告emmarket销售中收取的任何销售税的必要信息.
  • 退款应由部门或学生组织提出,而不是购买者. Request by emailing cashier@俄亥俄州.edu 附有交易编号、购买者姓名及退款金额. 退款 are processed within 3-5 business days. 一旦退款处理完毕,将向购买者发送电子邮件通知.


  • 在emmarket上使用的映像必须遵守以下限制.
    • GIF or JPG formatted image
    • For store logo, 965 x 225 pixels or less and less than 1 MB
    • For items, 500 x 500 pixels or less and file size of 1.00 MB或以下
  • 无法通过emmarket收集来自客户的大量信息数据. 这些信息应在本部门的网站上或通过其他方式收集.
  • Legal agreements (such as photo releases, waivers, etc.) cannot be collected via an eMarket. This information must be collected through other means.

Not a Point-of-Sale System

emmarket不是销售点(POS)系统,也不打算取代POS系统. emmarket交易只能由客户发起. 禁止部门为客户输入交易或为发起emmarket交易而收集客户的信用卡信息. An eMarket cannot be used in lieu of a University approved credit card terminal or POS system.

eMarket Text/Image Placement Example[PDF] (please review prior to completing a request)

eMarket Request Form[DOC] -申请一个新的网站或提交更新或更改现有的网站.

For more information email the 俄亥俄州 Cashier.