
住房 & 居留生活豁免和终止程序


newbb电子平台 requires all first- and second-year students to reside on campus and participate in a meal plan for two full academic years (fall/spring/fall/spring semesters). Students wishing to be exempted from university housing and/or meal plan must meet at least one of the criteria below and submit the appropriate forms for review and approval prior to the deadline.

如果学生正在寻求豁免/终止在校居住, 住房和居住生活 strongly recommends that an off-campus lease is not signed until an official notification of approval (via email) is made by 住房和居住生活. 被要求住校的学生, 并且在获得豁免之前签了校外租约, 仅凭校外租赁就不能获得住房豁免吗.

形式 must be completed and submitted 45 days prior to the start of the semester to avoid accruing charges. Any submissions after the 45 days prior to the start of the semester must submit all required forms and documentation no later than the first Monday of the semester. 在学期开始前45天内提交申请的学生,将受到 退款进度 住宿费和餐费.

所有表格和文件必须在审查前收到, 在各个层面, 充分考虑.

请注意,这不是一个住宿Process. 有关如何请求住宿的信息,由于残疾,联系 学生无障碍服务.


如果您知道您将提交哪些标准的豁免,请点击下面的链接. 这些链接将为您带来流程的解释以及所需的表格.

Age : Commuter : 经济困难 : 已婚或单亲 
膳食计划更改/豁免: 兼职学生 : 资深地位 : Other 

如果您需要进一步探索标准,以确定您希望申请哪一个, 查看下面详细的选项.

Those seeking an exemption/termination must demonstrate that they meet one of the following criteria. 学生应审查以下标准,以确定哪一个(s)适用. 后, the student should advance to the 'Process' section for further information as well as links to the required forms and supplemental documentation for the request.

Please be aware that requests for housing exemptions based on medical reasons cannot be submitted through this process. 如果你想因健康原因寻求住房豁免,你必须向 可及性服务. 无障碍服务将评估是否有必要提供住房和住宿, 如果是这样的话, 这些住宿是否可以通过校内住宿来满足.


入学学生, Age在23岁及以上, 将不需要居住在校园里基于俄亥俄州 住房需求.



Commuter到newbb电子, the student must reside with their parent(s) or a legal guardian whose permanent residence (as defined by University guidelines) is within 50 driving miles of 雅典 (1 Park Place, 雅典, OH). “永久住所”被定义为已拥有的住所, 由父母或法定监护人抚养和居住至少24个月. 地址必须与学生入学申请上列出的地址相同. 申请入学后,家庭是否变更居住地, 必须提供所有权/居住地和就业证明.

学生应通过他们的办公室完成Commuter学生合同 住房自助服务. Only if the Commuter Student Contract is denied can a student request to commute via the 房屋豁免及终止 process.



A student requesting an exemption/termination based upon financial hardship must provide documented evidence of extreme financial difficulties or a change in finances by providing copies of the most recent financial aid verification / awards. 如果FAFSA没有存档, 然后是最近的联邦纳税申报表的复印件, 最近终止雇佣关系的证据, 极端困难的证据(1).e.:主要收入提供者死亡、医疗费用超出保险最高承保范围等.)必须提供. Documented information must be accompanied by a completed 住房 Exemption Financial Aid Information Form.

Requests for residing off-campus for financial savings is not a valid reason for a financial hardship.



The student must submit a copy of their marriage certificate or child’s birth certificate along with a copy of the most recent tax return showing that child(ren) as a dependent. The spouse or child must reside with the student within the 50-driving mile commuter radius in order to qualify for this exemption.



膳食计划合同对整个学年都有约束力, 或其馀部分, 学生必须履行这一义务. 一旦学生签订了烹饪合同, 只有在情有可原的情况下才允许对该合同进行修改.

Requests for meal plan changes or exemptions based on medical reasons cannot be submitted through this process. 如果您因医疗原因想寻求膳食计划豁免/更改, 你必须在 可及性服务. 无障碍服务将评估是否有任何膳食计划住宿是必要的, 如果是这样的话, 是否可以满足这些条件.

如果您由于Other原因(如经济原因等)正在寻求更改/豁免膳食计划. 请填写下列表格.



如果学生在秋季和春季每学期注册11个学时或以下, or a student is enrolled part-time (5 hour or less) during a summer session they may meet the requirements for a part-time student exemption. 所有学期的课程注册都将随机验证.

Please be aware that a student who resides on campus in the fall semester does not qualify for a spring semester exemption due to part-time enrollment status as the housing contract is binding for both fall and spring semesters.



学生必须提交他们的DD-214出院文件的副本. 十八(18)个月的现役需要免除居住要求.



如果学生的申请理由与所提供的选择不一致, 也不是因为医学原因, 学生可以选择“Other”.’完成请求, the student must include supporting documentation along with a personal statement and the request form.



形式 must be completed and submitted with the necessary documentation 45 days prior to the start of the semester to avoid accruing charges. Those who submit a request after 45 days prior must submit no later than the first Monday of the semester and will be subject to the 退款进度 包括所有住宿和餐饮费用.



Students seeking an exemption or contract termination will need to complete the corresponding form packet depending on the reason for request. 如果学生为他们的请求列举了多个原因, a packet for each reason needs to be completed to ensure the proper documentation is submitted to review the request.

工作人员将在3个工作日内评估提交的申请表和文件. 如果表格不完整,或者需要额外的文件,学生将收到电子邮件. 在申请被视为无效之前,学生有14天的时间提交所要求的材料.


Once the completed packet is submitted, a committee of 住房和居住生活 staff will review. 决定将提交并发送到学生的俄亥俄电子邮件帐户.



Below are the reasons for request and corresponding forms and documentation that need to be completed. 如果请求是由多个原因引起的,则应提交每个原因的数据包.


Requests for housing exemptions and meal plan change/exemptions based on medical reasons cannot be submitted through this process. 如果您因医疗原因想寻求住房和/或膳食计划的豁免, 你必须在 可及性服务. 无障碍服务将评估是否有必要提供任何便利, 如果是这样的话, 这些住宿是否可以通过校内住宿/餐饮来满足.


在线填写申请表格. 所有补充文件或已填妥的PDF表格可通过以下任何一种方式提交:


如果被拒绝为1级,学生可以对该决定提出上诉. 上诉必须在一级裁决后3个工作日内提出.

1级的所有文件将提供给上诉委员会, 但是,需要填写下面链接的表格才能提出上诉请求. 学生可以根据自己的要求提供额外的二级文件. 任何额外的文件必须在预定的上诉委员会会议之前收到.

上诉委员会每月开会一次, 因此,学生应该留出最多4周的上诉委员会会议时间. 宿舍工作人员将通过电子邮件安排与学生的会面.

The decision of the Appeal Board will be sent to the student’s 俄亥俄州 email address and will be made within one week of the scheduled meeting.


上诉委员会由来自校园多个办公室的大学成员组成. 上诉会议将安排20分钟. 学生们将在会议上有十分钟的时间向董事会解释他们的要求. 剩下的时间将用于提出任何问题和解释上诉程序.

学生可由家长、监护人或Other人士出席申诉会议. 学生必须在场,不能由他人代表. 除了, 如果学生没有出席预定的上诉委员会会议, 董事会将在他们缺席的情况下审查这一请求.


向上诉委员会提出上诉,要求进行第2级覆核, 学生需要填写以下申诉表格:

All documentation previously submitted will be shared with the Appeal Board once the appeal form has been received and appeal meeting scheduled.


在线填写申请表格. 所有补充文件或已填妥的PDF表格可通过以下任何一种方式提交:




The request for Vice Presidential review must be received within 3 business days of the emailed decision provided by the 住房 & 居住生活上诉委员会. 学生事务副主席, 或者他们指定的人, 可以或不可以选择覆核上诉要求. 要求审查的学生将在合理期限内收到任何决定的通知.

The VPSA office will review all previously submitted documentation from Level 1 and Level 2 (supplied to them by the 住房和居住生活 office), 以及学生与三级申请表一起提交的任何Other文件. 学生必须通过第1级和第2级才能申请第3级的VPSA.

VPSA办公室的审查将不包括预定的会议. Any information/documentation that the student wants to be considered must be sent with the request for the appeal to the VPSA.



向VPSA提出上诉,要求进行第3级覆核, 学生需填写以下上诉表格:

  • VPSA形式 
  • OPTIONAL- if additional new documentation is being provided that was not shared during Level 1 or Level 2, 与第3级要求一并提交,以供考虑和审查.


在线填写申请表格. 所有补充文件可以通过以下任何一种方式提交:


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